Relapse Prevention

Good relapse prevention work is key amongst addiction professionals. This programme is designed to meet the needs of those working within the addiction field in relation to this area by following the Marlatt and Gordon model of relapse prevention and covering some practical applications of this. 

This relapse prevention model would suggest that two issues come into play, namely immediate determinants (e.g., high-risk situations, coping skills, outcome expectancies, and the abstinence violation effect) and covert antecedents (e.g., lifestyle factors and urges and cravings). Both can contribute to relapse.

The programme can be delivered to groups or organisations.


“Excellent course and content. I felt the exercises worked really well and gave a comprehensive overview of RP planning and implementing.  Trainer very engaging and knowledgeable. The four mornings were ideal as there was a lot of information to take in. Remote learning worked really well also.”  

Gavin Earls, Bray Community Addiction Team

February 2021

Programme Duration

Two days.

Programme Aims

The aim of this 2 day workshop is to enable participants to identify and use specific interventions such as; identification of high-risk situations for each client, enhancing the client's coping skills for these situations, increasing the client's self-efficacy, eliminating myths regarding alcohol's effects, managing lapses, and restructuring the client's perceptions of the relapse process.

Global strategies comprise balancing the client's lifestyle and helping them to develop positive addictions, employing stimulus control techniques, urge management techniques and developing relapse road maps.

Programme Content

Participants will be emailed the presentation with links to relevant literature to enable them to develop their understanding of Relapse Prevention appropriate to this level. In each session attendees will have the opportunity to observe and practice Relapse Prevention techniques through role-plays and scenarios provided by the trainer.

Learning Outcomes

  • To build on and expand existing knowledge, in relation to Relapse Prevention within the group. 
  • To enhance confidence in participants use of Relapse Prevention strategies. 
  • To allow space and time for participants to look at their own practice in relation to Relapse prevention and discuss clients that they have had or are currently working with (suitably anonymous) in relation to a Relapse Prevention approach.

Connect with Your Trainer

Where appropriate, The Learning Curve Institute will also distribute a unique pre-course questionnaire to each attendee in order to ensure the training meets the needs of everyone in the room and is tailored to a suitable level while also covering specific situations or scenarios as highlighted by the group.

The Learning Curve Institute also offers a bespoke post course support system whereby participants are provided with the contact details of the trainer and are free to contact him/her with any questions they may have.

Programme Certification

An eCertificate of Attendance in "Relapse Prevention" from The Learning Curve Institute.